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Legends are made not born, time and time again we see artists that strive for perfection, dedication and execution; then there are those who achieve it. In the humblest of ways Kit King and Oda Paints (Corey Popp) have shown that achieving those feats sometimes are much more than the endeavors we face but are the fears we over come to achieve them.

Located in Ottawa, Canada Oda and King are like two roads on the opposite sides of a mountain that meet in the middle to merge to take the trek up. Their roads started off on paths that traveled close to each other, each stating that with support from their families from a young age, they could not think of anything else they would want to do but art.

Eventually this became the catalyst that led them into the modern day working class artists profession of Tattooing where KIt stated, “ One day I was with my sister and browsing hashtags to come across this guy who had drawn the same exact thing that I had done. And as my sister went to call him out I had realized he had posted his art work (which was almost exact in whole) 2 weeks earlier.”

Laughing out loud, Corey complimented that KIt and he went back and forth from there, “ after along time of talking, FaceTiming and nerding out we had decided to do a collaboration and she invited me up to her studio, and at this point I had no idea how to paint like her so she ended up having to teach me which was nerve racking and great at the same time”.

As time moved forward, like the roads of the mountain that became one, Kit and Oda married and lived happily ever after…….well thats where most stories would end but this isn't one of those stories, this tale go into the over drive aspect of the artistic abyss known as passion. After over 7 years in the tattoo game Kit became a full time dedicated artist and soon to follow Oda, moving from Florida to Canada. Sharing different stories, collaborations, pieces and experiences they both made it clear that its a give and take process that they work on consistently with ebb and flow. Finding that balance that defines not just great artists but a successful ones as well.

Kit & Oda are both avid users of Trekell Art Supplies, Kit having her own paint set as well as being a Pro Team Artist they have grown tremendously in the past 2 years. The biggest thing beyond the fame, the notoriety and criticism that comes with social media that I truly admired about them was their genuine honesty, kindness and fearlessness. The fear of what was to come when they started off as tattoo artists who were established then to take the leap into a full time paint career which now has its own set of fears and free falls is inspiring to say the least. Now with brush and hand in hand they both have taken their seat at the heavy hitters table focusing on their art day in and out. when It comes to knowing what it means to have passion, not just in what you are but who you are, you learn that its far less scary to try and “fail” and your dreams and goals than to never try at all. Because one day those “failures” we endure become the lessons that shape us as artists and more like these two
For those of you wondering, Oda & King have provided a list that they use to bring their creations to life.
Main colours used:
-alizarin red (Trekell)
-Red cadmium light (Gamblin)
-Naples yellow (Trekell)
-yellow ochre (Trekell)
-paynes grey (Trekell)
-lamp black (Trekell) & (Georgian)
-titanium white (Trekell) & (w&n- artist)
-Chromatic black (gamblin)
-Portland warm grey (gamblin)
-Titanium buff (gamblin)
-light Naples yellow (Rembrandt)
-yellow cadmium light (Trekell)
-transparent earth red (gamblin)
-transparent earth orange (gamblin)
-vermillion red (w&n)
-Mars black (gamblin)
Main mediums used:
-Windsor & Newton liquin fine detail
-Windsor & Newton liquin impasto
-Gamblin Galkyd
-Gamblin Galkyd gel
-Gotrick stand oil
-Windsor & Newton linseed oil
-M. Graham walnut oil
*no solvents used
-Trekell linseed oil soap
-Trekell brush restorer
-Trekell oil primed linen wrapped birch gallery panels
Brushes from Trekell:
-goat mop brush set
-legion- synthetic mongoose long filbert set
-hog hair flat series set
-Kolinsky liner series set
-Kolinsky wash 1"
-Red sable round series set
-red sable short flat filbert series set
Other Brushes:
-Grumbacher mop set
-Grumbacher scrumblers
-Grumbacher round liners
Coming off their most recent show at Last Rites Gallery in New York City they both mentioned about their schedule for future shows, pieces and projects to come
where can you find their work at a museum or expo near you ?
Kit King: www.kitkingart.com
Oda & King: www.odaking.com
Oda: www.theartofoda.com
Kit King: @kit_king
Oda & King: @oda_king
Oda: @oda.paints
Now Ive told you a small bit about their coming together and a bit more about their secret tool box but if you want to hear more you can hear it on the podcast